
By Soliman Le Bigot, patient law lawyer & Margot Lopes, trainee lawyer in health law

Any adult person can designate a trusted person (parent, relative, attending physician…) who will be able to accompany and assist him/her in his/her steps concerning his/her health or testify of his/her wishes to the medical team in case he/she would be unable to express himself/herself.

The trusted person has several missions:

When you are able to express your wishes, he/she has a mission to accompany you without replacing you:
o He/she supports you in the procedures and decisions.

o He/she can accompany you during medical consultations or interviews.

If you are no longer able to express your wishes, she acts as a referent for the medical team:
o She reports your wishes accurately and faithfully.

o She transmits your advance directives if you have written any.

She will not be responsible for making decisions about your treatment, but will express your wishes and convictions.

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